Natural / Adabas Migration Solutions
FBDA is a technology and services company specializing in the development of high performance software tools for automated analysis and transformation of Natural/Adabas applications to more modern technologies such as Java and EGL accessing a relational database such as Postgres, Oracle, SQLServer and DB2.
FBDA is a Canadian high tech company incorporated in January 2000 and has been in the business of legacy modernization in the Natural/Adabas arena since that date. The FBDA principals have decades of experience in Natural/Adabas application architecture and implementation design idioms.
The typical business model implemented by FBDA is to license its migration technologies to a worldwide local partners providing consulting services. Alternatively FBDA licenses its technology directly licensed to customers. We make extensive use of open source technologies and the web to deliver high performance, accurate, quantifiable results with a maximum of customer interaction at exceptionally low cost.
Each of the FBDA migration tools relies on a consistent solution architecture that ensures a high quality, repeatable implementation. Starting with a SYSTRANS file, we implement a comprehensive parse of the application source code and FDTs that populates an RDBMS based Syntax Analysis Repository (SAR). Application profile reports, relational database schemas, Adabas data migration and Natural source code transformation are all then driven off the same SAR database. As well, management reports are created from the SAR database to enable continuous status tracking and ensure an on-schedule migration project.
A comprehensive view of your Natural/Adabas application portfolio providing web based in- depth analysis reports in a view that you can't get anywhere else.
An automated migration solution that quickly takes your existing legacy Natural/Adabas application to a J2EE/RDBMS platform. See the JavNat Brochure and the JavNat Process Guide for additional details.
A suite of Adabas conversion tools which either takes a raw ADAULD and converts it to an Oracle SQLLDR file or a DB2 load file; or alternatively generates a Natural program and JCL template for Adabas file-by-file database unload to a relational load file consistent with the target RDBMS.
An automated migration solution that quickly takes you Natural/Adabas application to a functionally equivalent EGL/DB2 implementation. See the Why EGL? position paper, the Natural/Adabas Transformation Matrix, and the Nat2EGL Process Guide for additional details
FBDA provides a variety of migration project service levels for both the JavNat and Nat2EGL solutions. See the Service Level (SL) Descriptions guide and the pro-forma Statement of Work for additional details.
FBDA’s SNAP tools provide additional migration metrics as well as a web interface to allow customers to provide reliable data input for overrides of the default values for relational parameters such as table, column and field names as well as datatype parameters. In addition SNAP supports the partitioning of an application into manageable units of work to facilitate low risk project implementation.
FBDA – Code Extraction Instructions
FBDA – Instructions for SystransAuditor
FBDA Completes Migration of University of Toronto Core Application v1.2 Updated 2022
FBDA JavNat – Modernize zOS Natural_Adabas Aug 2022 Final
UofT Reference Letter Jan 2022
FBDA – NatMiner Overview Summary
FBDA – SOW Natural/Adabas Nat2EGL/JavNat DNA Project Levels 1 2 3
FBDA – Technical Note – Java on system Z
FBDA – Natural/Adabas Transformation Matrix
FBDA – JavNat/Java/DB2/zOS Process Guide
FBDA – RMen/Nat2EGL Process Guide
IBM – Redbook – Architects Guide to Java on System z nALC+VUE Pricing
IBM – PPT re Batch Java Mondernizaiton
IBM – PPT – Porting Java applications to System z
Why RBD/EGL for Natural Migraitons
I have worked with FBDA for some 10 years now and have always found them prompt and accurate in their work and deliveries. It is certainly my intention to continue to work with them in the future.
Bernard Clowes CEO Green Babylon
FBDA continued to provide timely and effective support to MPS production roll-out and operations. FBDA staff are knowledgeable and customer service focused.
James E Davis, Director of Technology Milwaukee Public Schools
Let’s start talking about your projects today.